Science Demonstration Lecture

Exciting demonstration on following themes can be organised for the school/college students & general public on request and prior information.



Content Covered



·         Properties of Air

·         Centre of Gravity

·         Electricity & Magnetism

·         Fun Science



·         Mathematical Puzzles

·         Polygon & their properties

·         Circle & its properties


Miracle or Science 

Demonstration of a selection of mesmerizing experiments that appear to be magical and miraculous. But unlike in a magic show, here you discover the underlying science behind the magic and miracles.


Super Cool Show

(Liquid Nitrogen)

A set of unique experiments that demonstrate how different things behave at very low temperatures. Effects of low temperature on different objects can be seen in this show. Watch this breath-taking show and learn about the physical changes that take place in ordinary materials and how unexpectedly they behave at around –196° C.

Science Demonstration Lectures may be organised by this centre at different schools on request in order to supplement the science education for students on the topics:

• Fun with Chemistry
• Physics is fun
• Matter at low temperature
• Science Vs Miracles

Duration: Each SDL is of ½ hour (approx.)

Minimum Batch Size: 30 nos. (Prior booking required)

Fees: Rs.  20 per head.

(Note in group 15 or more then Rs. 15 for general visitors)

For booking please write us on

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