Science Drama
Objective :
Drama is one of the effective media for communication which is used extensively all over the world to express ideas and messages to all classes of the society. National Science Drama Festival (NSDF) is organised by National Council of Science Museums (NCSM), a pioneer institution involved in popularising science. The festival is held at district level, then at the state level by State Institute of Science Education, Jabalpur. The state level competition is organised in collaboration with Regional Science Centre Bhopal and the first two winner teams are sent to participate in the Zonal level at Mumbai. First two winners of the zonal level drama festival are invited to present their drama in NSDF which is held every year at one of the NCSM centres.
Topics for National Science Drama Festival are:
Life of a Scientist
Save Energy
Space & Mankind
Health for All
Wonder world of Mathematics
Who can participate :
The competition is open to the students of 8-10 std. Two winning teams from each zone (North, South, East, West) of the country will participate in the National Science Drama Festival.
• The drama can be in any official language.
• Duration of the play should not be more than 30 minutes
• There should not be more than 8 characters in the drama
• The drama must convey a scientific message
• The drama team should be able to set-up and stage the play within 10 minutes.
• The language should be easy to follow
• Elements of fun may be taken into consideration.